Where all Neurotypes Work + Play Together

“we make room for everyone. We are ending Social Isolation and Unleashing Genius.” Madeleine Jaine Lobsey – Founder

“Sometimes someone comes into your orbit who has a massive impact on your trajectory – Madeleine Jaine Lobsey was that person for me, challenging me to being a better (and bigger) version of myself.” – Naomi Simson, Founder RedBalloon

Want to play?  We also create spaces, events, projects and parties that are inclusive and magical.

Want to play?  We also create spaces, events, projects and parties that are inclusive and magical.

What people say about us

Madeleine is an exceptional professional in the realm of training and development. She played a pivotal role in my personal and professional growth. She is not just an expert in her field; she is an extraordinary individual whose impact extends far beyond professional realms.“

Rhicke Jennings – Managing Director– Fedex

We have worked + played with

We have been recognised for our work